Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome to Blog World

I said I would do it, and dag-nabbit, I am going to do it!
Here is the triumphant return of the old column from college. (Disguised as a blog and wrapped in a reason to write.)
For those who do not know, I wrote a column back in the 1990s at Thiel College (a.k.a. the Finest Educational Institution in Pennsylvania) entitled "Here's Something Nobody Cares About..." It was a meandering of thoughts long before the age of the internet. (Not like dinosaur long, but you get the picture.) Technically, it was an Award-Winning Column, but I only like to brag in bars and to women who find me mildly attractive. Between my own interests and suggestions of friends, I always said I would revive it somehow, hoping of course that a newspaper would pay me to do so. That never happened.
So, here we are - in the blogosphere. I think in 1992, when I graduated from college, a blog was nothing more than the working title for a not-so-highly anticipated sequel to a 1950s horror film about a rather hefty mass of goo overtaking a city. Luckily, that movie was never made.
I won't bore you with what I have done in the last 18 years since "H.S.N.C.A..." was last published. But I will begin by saying this: "Gunter, Glieben, Gauten, Globen," which I think is counting to four in German, but is really a reference to 1980s rock. A poor joke, alas!
I was born in the 1970s, just after the 1960s. Lookie there, we have covered a whole reference to the last half of our previous century!
Onto today. Writing is an aspiration, and I still hope/plan to do this for what remains of my life. Whatever the purpose or the results, we shall see. But, to write is the goal!
Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you know, mainly because you really don't you?
So, there we have it -- between overrated hairband metal, Thiel, history, friendships, a jab at un-hiring editors and no mention of Rush (well, not quite), we have the return installment of "Here's Something Nobody Cares About...2009." For the record, that ellipsis matters!
As for any reference to the greatest rock and roll band of all time -- yes, you may call me Captain Rush.
Until the next post...


  1. Funny thing... I was in the adjunct the other day when a prof said that her students were inquiring about her headset, asking what she was listening to... She replied "Rush". They were shocked and then she said the L word... If twere me... it would have been the band ; ) . I love Rush... deep thinkers.
    Keep talkin' Captain!
    Happy New Year-
